The BS of Mental Illness

Sometimes I come across blogs about depression that are utter bullshit.

To be clear, in no way am I about to dismantle someone’s personal experiences. I am not discounting the fact that everyone’s symptoms of mental illness vary and that lifestyle changes can help.

What I’m talking about here are the blogs/websites/people who think they have ALL the answers for “curing” depression. They surely know more than therapists, psychiatrists, OB/GYNs, patients, researchers, etc. THEY are the experts, after all.

According to THEM, here are some of THEIR revolutionary ways to “cure depression”

  • Clean the house – including a whole weekly schedule (Just strap on the baby and get cleaning)
  • Get some fresh air and sunshine (Vitamin D!)
  • Take a shower (Being clean on the outside makes one better on the inside)
  • Exercise (When the body is still recovering from a major medical event, this will surely solve everything)
  • Do crafty things (All women like crafts, right?)

Yes, some of these may help and are part of regular self-care. However…these are daily activities, not treatments. According to Mayo Clinic, “Postpartum depression isn’t generally a condition that you can treat on your own.”


Here are some things that actually work (at least according to doctors, researchers, therapists, etc…but what would they know?!)

  • Counseling
  • Anti-depressants
  • Support from partners/family/friends

Sources: WebMD and Mayo Clinic

What annoys me most is that this way of thinking completely discounts the experience of those with mental illness. By suggesting every day activities as treatments, these people are mitigating the suffocation that is mental illness. They are ignoring the folks who are winning simply because they got out of bed that day.

The next time you are talking with someone about mental illness or suspect someone needs help, try just listening and offering support. Or, if you are going to give unsolicited advice, at least encourage them to talk to consult an expert.

And don’t forget to Get Nosy.